KTPL Tutorials

Top 10 Digital Marketing Ideas for Small Business

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If you owner of small business in 2020, you must have realized by now the importance of having a digital marketing strategy. Having a digital marketing strategy is, quite simply, the best way to popularize your brand and get ahead of the competition.

Following are 10 ways you can effectively market your brand online and get the results you are looking for:-

1.Build a Better Social Strategy

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It’s the age of social media, which means you should have, at the very least, a Facebook page for your business that you post from at least 2-3 times a week. Other platforms you can use, depending on your target audience are Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat and Pinterest. Make sure that your posts are optimized for each platform as people enjoy customized content for the platform they are viewing it on.

2.Facebook Ads

image source; neil wordpress

Whatever your marketing goal is, Facebook most likely has an ad type for it. Ads increase local awareness of your brand, can bring visitors to landing pages and help get you more followers and engagement.

3.Live Video

Going live on Facebook or Instagram will help you to get a personal connect with your customers. You can give them a behind-the-scenes peek into your business, show off new products or promote your events. Both of these platforms also notify your followers before you go live so that customers will be able to watch your videos right when they begin.

4.Facebook Events and Eventbrite

If you’re hosting an event or sale you can generate more attendees by creating a Facebook or Eventbrite invite. Both Facebook and Eventbrite have heightened their focus on community events, which means that local consumers who have never before heard of you will be aware of your event and brand, making this a key focus for small businesses.

5.Monitor Your Online Reputation

To keep abreast of what customers are saying about you, you can set up a Google alert for your business so that you are notified when an article is posted that mentions you. Make sure to monitor social media as well; always keep up communication with dissatisfied customers and rectify their issues as much as you can, giving your business a better reputation.

6.Use Online Networking Sites to Expand Your Network

LinkedIn is a great forum to connect with other business owners as well as your local customer base. Creating a business page or group on Facebook or LinkedIn can also help generate more awareness and engagement with your brand.

7.Conduct Local Search Marketing

When it comes to a small business, you can’t beat a local search marketing strategy. This means enhancing your business’s online listings so that local customers can find you when they search for those products or services. You should remember though, that results won’t come overnight and it’s not something that can be done once and abandoned, so keep at it till you see the results.

8.Optimize Your Website

There’s pretty much a website for everything nowadays, so your website won’t get any attention from consumers, nor will they stay on it for long if it’s unappealing, runs slow, isn’t user-friendly or is difficult to navigate. Being mobile- friendly is equally important as Google penalizes websites that aren’t optimized for mobiles. Don’t forget to add a clear, CTA button such as “Call Now”, “Get Directions” or “Message Us”

9.Engage in Link-Building

You can build links by finding local businesses and bloggers who are willing to link to your website for a marketing exchange or local news sites that can run links to your site for promotions or events you are hosting. Link building is important as it proves to Google that your business is relevant and important to the local community.

10.Use Relevant Keywords

Keyword research is a great way to find out what terms people are using to search for businesses like yours. To search for relevant keywords, you can use tools such as Google AdWords Keyword Planner, Google Trend or Keywordtool.io. You can then use those keywords on your site or in your blog posts so that they show up in people’s search results.

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