Types Of Twitter Ad

By admin, April 21, 2020

Mainly 4 -Types of Twitter ads are:-

Promote tweets

Promoted tweets are simply tweets that an advertiser pays to display to people who are not already following them on Twitter. Like regular tweets, they can be retweeted, liked, and so on. They look just like regular tweets, too, except that they have a label that says “Promoted.”

It appear in targeted users’ timelines, on user profiles, at the top of search results, and in the Twitter mobile and desktop apps.

Promoted Your Accounts

It (also known as Followers campaigns) allow you to promote your Twitter account to targeted Twitter users who don’t yet follow you but might find your content interesting.

Promote Trends

Trending topics on Twitter are the most talked about subjects on the social network, appearing on users’ timelines, on the Explore tab, and on the Twitter app. It allow you to promote a hashtag at the top of that list.

When Twitter users click on your Promoted Trend, they see an organic list of search results for the topic, with a Promoted tweet from you at the top of the list. As people pick up on your hashtag and start using it themselves, you can gain additional organic exposure that increases the reach of your campaign.

Currently, they are not available for advertisers using Twitter’s self-serve options. You can find out whether you’re eligible to work with a Twitter Sales representative to purchase IT by sending a direct message to @TwitterAdsHelp.

Automated ads: Twitter Promote Mode

We’ll spend most of this guide talking about building your own customized Twitter campaigns based on specific business goals. However, there is another option. If you’re new to social media advertising, you’re not sure how much you can afford to spend, or you have a very small team with limited time, you might want to consider Twitter Promote Mode.

Twitter Promote Mode costs a flat rate of $99 USD (or 9900 JPY or 79 GBP) per month, plus tax. Once you turn it on, your first 10 tweets each day are automatically promoted to your selected audience (as long as they make it past the Twitter quality filter). Retweets, quote tweets, and replies will never be promoted. You’ll also get an ongoing Promoted Account campaign.

Twitter estimates that accounts using Twitter Promote Mode will reach an average of 30,000 additional people and gain 30 extra followers per month.

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