KTPL Tutorials

What is SEO?

SEO stands for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, It is practice and process to increase traffic of audience or customer to your website in organic search engine results.

credit by: codecondo

What is Division of SEO?

To understand better we break its definition down and look its part as shown below.

Important ranking factor for SEO.


The Internet has really put the world at our fingertips. We are usually not more than a few clicks away from almost any information we could be looking for. When people are looking for information, services, products, and so on, they go online.

source: li creative

Try to remember the moment you thought, “I should really look up how search engine optimization works.

You knew exactly what to do: You got on the Internet and you searched for “how SEO works.”

What did you do then?

Odds are you clicked on one of the first few results, at least initially. If you didn’t find a site that met your expectations, you probably clicked the back button and scrolled down the page until you found what you were looking for.

If your site isn’t properly optimized, it’s safe to assume you’re only coming up on the first page for your branded search queries — although depending on the name of your business, that might not even be the case.

That means people who don’t know you exist but are looking for someone like you will never find you, and you’ll never even have a chance to tell them why you’re better than the competition.

That’s right: Without SEO, you’re giving leads away.

The good news is you’re making it really easy on your competitors who are doing SEO. Odds are, they are loving you for not putting up a fight.

seo content marketing strategy concept search engine vector illustration

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