By admin, April 3, 2020

Social Media Marketing pic source:corpus digital

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing refer to a process of increasing traffic and attention for service or product through social media sites.

Social media itself is a catch-all term for sites that may provide radically different social actions. Twitter is a social site designed to let people share short messages or “updates” with others audience. Facebook, in contrast is a full-blown social networking site. That allows for sharing updates, photos, joining events and a variety of other activities.

What is use of SMM ?

The main goal of SMM is to improve communication with users, increase brand visibility and reach more (potential) customers.

SMM is being done to creating quality content. That the users of social networks share with their friends (via transmitting information electronically, i.e. Electronic Word of Mouth).

The point of SMM is to obtain direct feedback from users .(or potential customers), so that the company gets a personal stamp at the same time, i.e. it appears more human-like.

So, interactive options on social networks. The customers get the chance to be heard, either by asking questions or by making complaints.

This of SMM is considered Social Customer Relation Management (Social CRM) . Which can further lead to enhancing credibility and return on investment (ROI), of course. If the users are satisfied with content, relationship with the company and the service provided.

pic source:dreamstime

Active social media marketing promotions.

Active promotion means adding links (applications) which lead from the content on the website. Towards social networks (similarly to RSS and social media share buttons). Social networks which can be used as a means of SMM are the following:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Google+
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest

Each social network has its own Terms of Use, which i different for natural persons and legal entities, i.e. companies.

What only companies get is the option of launching a paid ad campaign.

so, as to reach wider audiences, thus improving traffic towards a website or a targeted web page.

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